The full article in English is available at or it may be downloaded from HERE
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The full article in French is available at
or it can be downloaded from HERE
The Beginnings
In the summer of 2014, I joined an Orthodox Christian mission team to Mexico. The trip was organized by the Orthodox Christian Mission Centre and the Diocese of Mexico of the Orthodox Church in America. The team of ten volunteers from the U.S. and Canada was very warmly welcomed by the clergy and the faithful at the Cathedral in Mexico, and by hospitable indigenous people in the villages of Pisaflores (in the State of Veracruz), and San Esteban (in the State of Hidalgo). We spent a few days in remote rural areas, participating in services, teaching, and playing with children. This is a link to a visual presentation of the mission trip.
I was moved by people's very simple way of life in those remote indigenous villages, by the children's joy and vivid interest in learning about the ancient Christian faith. After I returned to Canada, I wanted to do whatever possible to help the children on their path to learning about Orthodox Christianity, and also to keep being connected with them.
That is how Lengua Viva began in March 2015. I owe the inception of this activity of writing and publishing to the children in the village of San Esteban.
The first publication was an activity book for children about The Twelve Feasts of the Orthodox Church, which was originally published in Spanish. The English, the French, and the Romanian editions were published later on.
Current Activity
The very positive feedback to the First Edition received from Sunday school teachers, priests, parents, and students has encouraged me to continue this publishing activity with the same love, dedication and enthusiasm.